
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Pre-Order Yaseen's Big Dream!

*New Book Alert*

Yaseen's Big Dream 

by Umm Juwayriyah 

Art by Azra Momin

Published by Djarabi Kitabs Publishing

February and March were busy months filled with lots productivity! The Black Muslim Authors Black History Month Event was held at NYU and hosted by myself and Author Layla Abdullah-Poulos! Now I get to introduce my latest Muslim fiction book, Yaseen's Big Dream! 

Yaseen dreams of helping his family, his friends, and his community. But is it really possible for a kid like Yaseen to do all of those thing?  Of course,  it is! 

Pre-order Yaseen's Big Dream for $12.50 to follow him on an adventure unlike any other! Books will ship out at the end of April, enshallah!