
Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Public School & Muslim Parenting: Advocate for Your Children Webinar

As salamu alykum!

I hope you all are enjoying the last days of summer vacation or if your summer vacation has ended that you have gone back into school, work, and your life refreshed, grateful, and ready to take on what Allah has waiting on you this upcoming fall and winter.

Now, back during Ramadham I promised more webinars and I aim to deliver. On August 12th at 6 pm EST I delivered The Public School & Muslim Parenting Series. Part 1. It was good talk about how to effectively advocate for your Muslim children! This is a really important subject and as an educator who has worked in public schools and private schools for the last decade, I chose the topic because I wanted to share with you some tips to get parents started on the right foot this school year. Furthermore, within this current Islamophobia storm in America, it's crucial that we make sure our children are safe not only from their peers, but from the adults working inside of the school system as well. 

The good news is that the webinar is now up LIVE on Youtube, so if you missed it, you didn't miss it! Pour some tea, grab a notebook and whenever you have a chance, take a listen. You don't even have to listen to it straight through. Chunk it up and make a weekend out of it. Additionally, I am working  now on collecting the information and formatting it into a FREE email book for everyone to download right from this blog! So make sure you sign up on the blog and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Instagram. I love questions and feedback - so hit me up!

Finally, don't forget to sign up for my next webinar: Muslim Girls' Issues! I'd had to push the date back just a tad because I will be traveling at that time, enshallah! So you still have time to sign up for the LIVE and FREE webinar.